The future of media studies is game studies

Written by Shira Chess and Mia Consalvo, the directly titled “The future of media studies is game studies” is an introduction to a full-journal video game-centric takeover of Critical Studies in Media Communication. The introduction lays out a framework for understanding the myriad of ways that video games have become omnipresent in our media-sphere, including our political landscape, and also concrete arguments for why scholars of other disciplines would find value in including subjects traditionally isolated to games studies in their larger projects. Even if you aren’t going to read the whole issue (which in a wonderful nod to economic accessibility, is free on Taylor & Francis,) Chess and Consalvo’s intro includes a paragraph on each of the following pieces of scholarship, which serves as a handy tl;dr on some of the heterogeneous and interdisciplinary approaches different scholars are taking to engage with video games.

Authors: Shira Chess and Mia Consalvo



LGBTQ+ VR Museum


Tales from Off-Peak City Vol. 1